Why Laser? Why Engraving?

Relative low-cost:

Compared to other forms of engraving and etching, laser engraving is generally far more economical.


The speed of laser processing compared to other forms of etching, cutting and engraving has numerous benefits. The low-cost mentioned above is one of them, but short order turnarounds, quick prototyping, low mechanical and heat stress on parts are all important too.


Once something is engraved, the mark will generally outlast the product Specc’ed correctly, engraving offers unbeatable longevity for labelling and marking.


Engraving is generally able to be varied on a per-piece basis, whether with a name, serial number, part name, barcode or QR code. This flexibility enables value adding on something as simple as asset tracking.


We can offer you the same result day in, day out, so you know how your product will look every time.

Suitability: there are some jobs that just have to be engraved. That padlock declaring your undying love wouldn’t be so good done in texta, right!?


An engraved gift is 3 times more likely to be kept. All the most prestigious awards available today feature some form of engraving. When you have something special to give to someone, you get it engraved.